Horace Albright Society
An Invitation to Join the Horace Albright Society
Members of the Horace Albright Society have expressed their commitment to Grand Teton National Park Foundation through a very special and important form of financial support.
These donors have named the Foundation as the ultimate beneficiary of a planned gift, one that will continue to bring an abundance of opportunities to Grand Teton National Park. Such gifts might include a bequest and/or gifts of life insurance, retirement plans, and appreciated assets.
Once you complete your estate plans, please fill out our member profile form to let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity by including you in the Horace Albright Society.
Membership Benefits
Your membership involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations, but it does allow us to recognize your lasting contribution to the Foundation's long-term success. Your wish to provide for Grand Teton National Park may also inspire generosity in others.
The most important benefit you will receive from joining the Horace Albright Society, though, is the satisfaction of knowing generations of visitors will continue to enjoy and learn about Grand Teton through special projects the Foundation provides. Their experiences will lead to a deep connection to this iconic American park, and like you, they will want to assure this unforgettable place thrives.